Sunday, May 07, 2006

Small Linux

I should find a small and easily handleable Linux distribution for my mother's computer, because she has an old IBM computer and her old Windows doesn't know the video controller. Do somebody know so? I'm using SUSE Linux, but this is not enough small for an old computer.


Friday, May 05, 2006


NASA has discovered an asteroid to near to deals of the Earth. It has chance only 1:6000000 to impact, but it has chance.

Bill Gates is disturbed by his money...

Bill Gates has said this. He is the richest man of the world, and he is disturbed by his repute. I'm feeling with him, and I have a good solution for this: B. G. gives me his money, and he falls back to a peaceful and pacific country, and I will live in the big repute and stress. And Microsoft?
What is it? I'm using Linux.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

USA and the geography

National Geographic Society lets make a survey about geographical knowledge of young people in USA. It had catastrophic outcome:
The 63 percent didn't know where is Iraq, 70 percent didn't know where is Israel, 66 % didn't know where is nordwest (!). The 30 % of young people calculated the population in USA 1-2 milliard (but it is only 300 million). 50 % didn't find New York state, 30 % didn't find Louisiana state on the maps.
In our country the little kids know these things.